Daftar Lengkap Item Gear Type Attack Mobile Legends Bang Bang

Daftar Item Attack (Serangan) di Game Mobile Legends Berikut Penjelasan, pada permainan moba menyerupai mobile legends bang bang mengetahui fungsi dari item atau gear yang di pakai sangat penting, alasannya yaitu item atau gear yang kita build selama permainan harus sesuai dengan role atau tugas dari pahlawan yang di mainkan.

 di Game Mobile Legends Berikut Penjelasan Daftar Lengkap Item Gear Type Attack Mobile Legends Bang Bang

Nah kali ini yang akan CatatanDroid berikan yaitu daftar item gear type attack atau serangan yang sering di pakai oleh role penyerang menyerupai Marksman (mm) dan Fighter.

Daftar Item Gear Type Attack Mobile Legends Bang Bang

Blade of Despair

+130 Physical Attack +25 Attack Speed +10 Critical Strike Chance.
Unique Passive Despair Deals an extra 15% damage to an enemy in any absurd state (stunned, knocked airborne, transformed, disabled).

Blade of Destruction

+75 Physical Attack +20 Critical Strike Chance.
Unique Effect 50% Crit Damage.
Unique Passive Doom Crit strikes will increase one's physical attack 5%, lasting 2s.

Crazed Reaper

+65 Physical Attack +300 HP +20 Attack Speed.
Unique Passive Fury Basic attacks will increase hero's movement speed 10%.
Unique Passive Steamroll Basic attacks will lower sasaran physical armor 7. This effect can stack up to 5times.


+10 Attack Speed

Deadly Blade

+30 Physical Attack +15 Resilience.
Unique Passive Life Drain Lowers HP regen effect of sasaran 50%.

Endless Battle

+50 Physical Attack +25 Magic Power +350 HP +5 Movement Speed +15 Lifesteal +400 Mana.
Unique Passive Divine Justice After using this ability, the next basic attack will have an additional 70% physical damage as true damage. This effect has a 2s cooldown.
Unique Passive Chase Fate When Divine Justice's effect is triggered, it will increase the hero's movement speed 15%.

Fallen Sword

+45 Physical Attack +30 Attack Speed +10 Lifesteal.
Unique Passive Devour Basic attacks will deal 8% of the target's current HP as additional physical damage (up to 60 against monsters).

Fury Hammer

+35 Physical Attack.
Unique Effect +12 Physical Damage Reduction

Great Sword

+15 Physical Attack

Hunter Strike

+100 Physical Attack +20 Cooldown Reduction.
Unique Passive Hunt Increase movement speed 30%after killing a hero. Lasts 2s.

Ice Force

+30 Physical Attack +1000 HP.
Unique Passive Frost Strike Basic attacks will have a 25% chance of lowering sasaran movement speed 35%.


+8 Critical Strike Chance.

Legion Sword

+60 Physical Attack

Magic Blade

+60 Physical Attack +24 Magic Resistance.
Unique Passive Lifeline When HP drops below 30%, get one shield that can absorb 510 damage. (Increases with level)

Ogre Tomahawk

+30 Physical Attack +230 HP.
Unique Passive FuryBasic attacks will increase hero's movement speed 10%.

Scarlet Phantom

+30 Physical Attack +40 Attack Speed +10 Critical Strike Chance.
Unique Passive FrenzyCrit strikes will increase one's physical attack 10%, lasting 2s.

Thor’s Sting

+30 Attack Speed +8 Movement Speed +20 Critical Strike Chance.
Unique Passive Lightning After every 5 basic attacks, the next basic attack must deal 3 magic damage to 125 enemies.
Unique Passive Activate Each time after lightning is cast, one's movement speed will be raised 10% for a brief time.

Tooth of Greed

+75 Physical Attack Unique Effect 25% Lifesteal.
Unique Passive Frenzy When HP drops below 20%, the pahlawan will receive an extra 10% physical lifesteal.

Vampire Mallet

+8 Physical Attack +8 Lifesteal

Wild Sword

+15 Attack Speed +10 Critical Strike Chance

Wind Chaser

+60 Physical Attack Unique Effect 45% Physical Penetration

Tambahan Item Type Jungle

Pillager Axe

Unique Effect +30% Damage to Monsters.
Unique Passive Avarice Get an extra 30% Exp when jungling. Unique Passive Gorge Slaying jungle monsters increases one's physical and magic defense 2. Stacks up to 10 times.

Raptor Machete

+35 Physical Attack +12 Attack Speed.
Unique Effect +30% Damage to Monsters.
Unique Passive Avarice Get an extra 30% Exp when jungling.
Unique Passive Gorge Slaying jungle monsters increases your physical attack 4. Stacks up to 10 times.

Nimble Blade

Unique Effect +30% Damage to Monsters.
Unique Passive Avarice Get an extra 30% Exp when jungling.
Unique Passive Gorge Slaying jungle monsters increases one's physical and magic defense 4. Stacks up to 10times.

Curse Sword

Unique Effect +30% Damage to Monsters.
Unique Passive Avarice Get an extra 30% Exp when jungling.
Unique Passive Warding Wind Slaying jungle monsters increases one's movement speed 5%. Lasts 30s.

Hunter’s Knife

Unique Effect +20% Damage to Monsters

Star Shard

+20 Magic Power +400 Mana +10 Cooldown Reduction.
Unique Effect +30% Damage to Monsters Unique Passive Avarice Get an extra 30% Exp when jungling.
Unique Passive Warding Wind Slaying jungle monsters increases one's movement speed 5%. Lasts 30s.

Beast Killer

+20 Armor +20 Magic Resistance.
Unique Effect +30% Damage to Monsters.
Unique Passive Avarice Get an extra 30%Exp when jungling.
Unique Passive Gorge Slaying jungle monsters increases your physical attack 2. Stacks up to 10 times.

Yup, di atas yaitu semua item gear mobile legends bertipe attack dan jungle yang biasa di gunakan oleh pahlawan role pembunuh menyerupai Marksman dan Fighter maupun Assasin.

Sedikit klarifikasi dari atribut keterangan item attack di atas diantaranya; Physical Attack (Serangan Fisik), Attack Speed (Kecepatan serangan), Lifesteal (Penyerapan Energi darah), Critical Stike (Serangan 2x Lipat), Physical Penetration (Serangan menembus armor).

Semoga daftar lengkap gear item type attack atau serangan game mobile legends di atas sanggup bermanfaat, jangan lupa berikan komentar serta share juga ke teman kau yang bermain mlbb ya, khususnya kalau sering bermain sebagai fighter dan marksman sehingga wajib mengetahui type-type dan fungsi gear item serangan. Terima kasih. CatatanDroid

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